COVID-19: The Lockdown Latest

29th May

Well, it wouldn’t be a COVID-19 update if we don’t start off by reminding you that this whole situation is uncertain, unprecedented and a massively unwanted pain in the arse. And of course, like every automated pandemic-related update keeps telling you, we do hope you are healthy and well. But let’s cut to the chase – what’s going on with your damn club exactly?

It’s probably no surprise that we’re remaining closed for now. Or that we’re just as gutted about that as you are. But while we’re still waiting for updates from the government on when we can re-open and prepping to be #1 for member safety, we now have Out The Box up and running.

Our brand-new, on-demand platform is your one-stop-shop for all things sweaty, spicy and oh-so-nicey – with access to your favourite workouts whenever and wherever you want ‘em. It’s yours for free throughout lockdown – or you can choose to make a donation to NHS Charities Together when you subscribe.

We know you lot are only second to rampant Tinder users when it comes to missing getting all hot and sweaty with each other right now. And while it may be some time til we’re back in the studio together, we’re still keeping the Gymbox community connected outside of class hours. With regular digital DJ sets and Insta-quizzes bringing the party vibes to your living room, it’s probably time to put down the protein shake and get following our socials.

While you’re there, keep an eye out for the odd collab or two. We’ve been tapping up pals for cheeky discounts – with brands like Grind, Press London, WIT and Stronger Fitness helping make life in lockdown a bit more bearable for you. Well, let’s face it, we’re all hooked on that home-delivery high right now. Hearing that doorbell go is basically like Sexhale and Braingasm combined. (One for all you Gymbox class nerds there…)

Look, we’re sorry we’ve not been able to throw open the doors to your sweaty, kit-filled kingdom just yet. Until we can, we’re going to be putting all our energies into keeping you active, our instructors supported and each other safe while we are working hard behind the scenes to get your club set up and ready for opening. Oh, and planning the biggest and most epic (socially distanced) post-lockdown party you’ve ever seen, obvs.

Until then? Stay safe. Stay positive. And let’s come back stronger than ever.


What will happen with my membership during the closure?

For as long as our clubs are closed there will be a FREE FREEZE on all monthly memberships. To confirm no payments will be taken for any future months we are closed. The time lost from the 19th to 31st March (the month we closed) will be added to your first month back once clubs re-open. There is no need to cancel your membership as all payments will be frozen.

How long will my Gymbox be closed for?

We will be following the Government’s recommendation on when it is safe to reopen as and when the virus is under control. We will of course be updating you regularly through email and social channels.

How will I keep moving now my Gymbox is temporally out of action?

As well our new Out the Box on-demand platform, we will be releasing content through our Instagram channel to keep you both moving and entertained.

Any further questions?

Our teams will still be working remotely during this period so any questions you can contact us through member services.

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You’re one step closer to the most unique classes, the coolest interiors and sickest tunes London has to offer. A member of the team will be in touch to get you booked in for a tour, we can’t wait to see you soon! In the meantime, why not give us a follow on Instagram @gymboxofficial and see what’s to come.