Gym etiquette 101 – The rules

29th June

You lot spend hours every week in the gym. So, seeing as we're all in this fitness lark together, here are some basic rules to help you keep your etiquette in check.

Mirror mirror, on the wall

Yes, we know you look gorgeous. However, do us all a favour and leave the overt peacock preening and lip gloss applications for the mirrors – at home. Gym mirrors are there for form and safety, not to practice your audition tape for Next Top Model.

Tidy home, tidy mind

Do you throw all your clothes around the bedroom, or leave the washing up sitting in the sink all day? Then shame on you. The same applies to the gym floor. Be respectful to your fellow Gymbox members by tidying up the weights after you, and putting back the medicine balls and all other equipment. Being tidy is not only courteous, it will burn a few more calories, too.

Gym-1.jpg?mtime=20170629152349#asset:395643:url(Don't) Bring the noise

If you think smashing the weights down really loudly on the floor and grunting like a pig being done from behind makes you look stronger, then you're wrong. It just makes you look like a pig. Check your ego at the door, please.

Let it all hang out (not)

All the training has made you look well buff. We can see you! But, as much as we're chuffed you got ripped to bits, there's only so much of you we want to see. We think you're yummy, but do us all a favour by keeping those goodies under wraps. The distraction could cause accidents!

Gym-2.jpg?mtime=20170629152915#asset:395644:urlSpitting images

You know who you are. Spitting and snotting in the gym is not acceptable. London is rife with the lurgy, so do you bit by stopping the spread of bacteria by keeping clean during your workouts. Pack hand sanitzer to make sure you're doing a thorough clean and jerk.

No sweat

Crikey, that was some workout, we can still see the sweat dripping off the machine, spin bike, treadmill. Yuk! Don't just leave it there. It takes a few seconds to wipe it clean after yourself, did your mother not teach you anything?

Gym-3.jpg?mtime=20170629153804#asset:395645:urlTime, after time

Being fashionably late just doesn't fly when it comes to group classes. Be respectful of your team mates and instructor by arriving five minutes early. Otherwise there just might be a punishment... how does 20 burpees sound? We thought that might do the trick.

Be happy

Life is hard enough. Work might be doing your head in, or your partner ragging on you about forgetting to do the dry cleaning, but you know what? The gym is a space to let off steam and forget about the anxieties you left outside. So smile, be kind, say hello to the person working out next to you. You might even make a new friend, or future wife/husband.

Private matters

Changing rooms are not spaces for you to openly floss, tweeze, shave, pluck, or blow dry your pubes in public. We've seen it. It happens. Keep your intimate self-preening for your own home. And please, put your towels in the designated area! How hard can it be.

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